Your Mindset: Live a Fulfilling Life

Coach Elix recently spoke with Steven F. Macek on the Get a G.R.I.P with Coach Elix podcast about the critical importance of developing a healthy mindset. Steven explained how a positive mindset can be transformative; by changing the way you view the world, you can reduce stress, optimize your health, and reach true empowerment by achieving the goals you've longed for your entire life.

Want to overcome life's challenges with resilience and grace? This episode is for you.

Who Is Steven F. Macek?

Attorney, medium, and thinker: Steven F. Macek shines as a true Renaissance man. An insightful and creative individual, informed by his life experience, Macek encourages others to shift their mindset to change their lives.

For Steven, mindset is more than a buzzword. Adopting a healthy mindset changed his life for the better, and he wants others to experience the same growth.

What Is Mindset?

Steven defines mindset as the set of beliefs that inform our lives. It's our framework for interpreting reality. The perceptions a mindset provides influence our behavior.

A negative mindset can hold us back. Anyone can make the brave choice to shift their mindset. It doesn't matter who you are or what your life experiences have been up until the present. A mindset is malleable.

The Four Types of Mindsets

Steven outlined the differences between the four types of mindsets: fixed, growth, positive, and abundance. A fixed mindset is a largely negative, static way of looking at ourselves in relation to others. We often discount our own abilities by saying we're not good enough to do something or that it's too late to change; these are negative, fixed mindset statements.

Instead of thinking in terms of a fixed mindset, we can adopt a growth mindset to learn to adapt when life places obstacles in our path. With a positive mindset, we can identify the good in all circumstances, especially those that don’t seem that way at first glance,

From there, we can adopt a mindset of pure abundance and gratitude.

How Does Mindset Affect Our Goal Setting?

Did you know that your mindset affects goal setting? It’s impossible to set realistic goals without a positive mindset, approaching the future in an aspirational way. Approaching goal-setting with a positive mindset not only makes the task easier, but makes achieving those goals more realistic as well.  

Connecting with Steven F. Macek

Steven F. Macek




The G.R.I.P. Method

G.R.I.P. stands for "Greatness Requires Intention & Purpose," and many who have followed this method can attest to that. This strategy helps people find their goals, inspirations, and visions and execute them with clear intentions through planning, purpose, and integrity. It works with science and psychology to make dreams a reality.

It is a roadmap that guides you through struggles and hardships, with the final destination being the life you want to lead or the changes you wish to make. The G.R.I.P. Method offers a plan to go from fear to freedom and helps you break away from where past attempts did not work.


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