Choices and Consequences: The World of Second Chances

On a recent episode of Get a G.R.I.P., Coach Elix spoke with Jeffrey Abramowitz to discuss the significance of choices, consequences, and second chances. Jeffrey related to this topic with his own experience in the justice system. Ultimately, his choices and the consequences he faced led to a second chance, not just for him but also for the people he hopes to touch and inspire along the way.

Meet Jeffrey Abramowitz, J.D.

A former trial lawyer from Philadelphia, Jeffrey is an experienced and motivated leader dedicated to helping people whose choices have led them through the nation's justice system. This passion has led him to become a keynote speaker on workforce development for incarcerated men and women, advocating for prison and criminal justice reform.

In late 2022, Jeffrey became the C.E.O. of the Petey Greene Program, where college students train to help former prison inmates get the education and tools they need to re-enter the workforce and seize their second chance.

Freedom After Incarceration: Balancing the Spirit and Looking for Renewal

In our conversation, Jeffrey shared that he made a series of poor life choices that led to him receiving an indictment for a financial crime, landing him in federal prison for five years. His wake-up call was when he stood in a courtroom for the first time as a defendant, not a counselor.

Between his prison and living in a Philadelphia homeless shelter, Jeffrey educated himself by reading hundreds of books and talking to the many men and women who also made unfortunate life choices. And while these choices have consequences, they can also lead to invaluable life lessons. 

Ultimately, Jeffrey wants to drive home the understanding that "it's not about your past; it's all about the lessons you've learned moving forward."

Jeffrey's lesson is about teaching these and other skills to people involved or impacted by the justice system. He aims to spark a part of the community and change culture as we know it through the Petey Green Program. 

By teaching college students — who will soon lead this country — about the talent and potential inside of our prisons and jails, Jeffrey hopes to influence and inspire: "It's how you change culture; it's how you make change happen. Because they're getting to see the humanity of the men and women that are good people, that just made choices just like them, and those choices, unfortunately, landed them in the justice system."

Connecting with Jeffrey Abramowitz, J.D.

J.D. Website




The G.R.I.P. Method

G.R.I.P. stands for "Greatness Requires Intention & Purpose," and many who have followed this method can attest to that. This strategy helps people find their goals, inspirations, and visions and execute them with clear intentions through planning, purpose, and integrity. It works with science and psychology to make dreams a reality.

It is a roadmap that guides you through struggles and hardships, with the final destination being the life you want to lead or the changes you wish to make. The G.R.I.P. Method offers a plan to go from fear to freedom and helps you break away from where past attempts did not work.


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