Losing Yourself: How To Navigate Loss and Trauma and Keep Your Identity

It's extremely common to disconnect from reality while grieving. Ultimately, you might feel like you're losing yourself, but it is possible to make this a point of transition rather than a new identity. 

On this episode of Get a G.R.I.P. with Coach Elix, guest Steven F. Macek joins Coach Elix in a discussion of how to overcome these challenges. He also offers worthwhile advice about coping with grief or trauma and shares some of his personal experiences.

Listen along to learn why losing yourself isn't necessarily a bad thing, or read more below.

More About Steven F. Macek’s Work

Aside from sharing his stories as a frequent podcast guest, Steven F. Macek primarily connects with others through his work as a psychic medium. He aims to guide struggling individuals and offer comfort by helping people access messages from the other side.

In his line of work, Steven has witnessed the truth that grief looks different for everyone. There's no right way to handle it. However, Coach Elix and Steven discuss that no matter how we choose to cope, everyone will deal with common themes. 

For example, grief and trauma usually create fear, which leads to avoidance. You may disassociate entirely to avoid emotional fatigue. And although we can't avoid loss and coping seems impossible, Steven urges listeners to block out harmful thoughts by remaining in the present. 

How? It could be as simple as focusing on an object in the room until all your fears and worries are gone. Still, losing yourself is not always a bad thing.

Losing Yourself Means Testing Your Spirit

If there's one thing to take away, it's that losing yourself could present an opportunity. Steven points out that the trick to overcoming hardship is to view it as the universe testing you. It’s forcing you to release what no longer serves you, and the choice is yours.

We must all grow and change, even through grief and trauma. So, every night before you fall asleep, think of what you are grateful for and begin the next morning with a positive outlook.

Give Yourself the Freedom to Cope However It Suits You

Navigating a loss or traumatic event is extremely difficult. However, you need to cope in the best way for you. Taking care of your emotional, mental, and physical health is essential to help your body and spirit heal. You should also take control of your social well-being and set boundaries with those who do not add happiness or support to your life. 

Give yourself the grace to cope. And continually express gratitude to see faster healing.

Connecting with Steven F. Macek

Steven F. Macek




The G.R.I.P. Method

G.R.I.P. stands for "Greatness Requires Intention & Purpose," and many who have followed this method can attest to that. This strategy helps people find their goals, inspirations, and visions and execute them with clear intentions through planning, purpose, and integrity. It works with science and psychology to make dreams a reality.

It is a roadmap that guides you through struggles and hardships, with the final destination being the life you want to lead or the changes you wish to make. The G.R.I.P. Method offers a plan to go from fear to freedom and helps you break away from where past attempts did not work.


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Let's Talk: A Conversation on Self and Vulnerability!