Love Consciousness vs War Consciousness: Raise Your State of Being

Dr. Teri Baydar, White Lotus Individual Development LLC CEO, recently was featured as a guest on Get a G.R.I.P. with Coach Elix, where the primary topic of the episode was love consciousness vs war consciousness. She discussed raising your state of being through love consciousness, because a better world begins with people connected to themselves and with emotional intelligence. 

Dr. Baydar explained that throughout her life, she cycled through love and war consciousness during her experiences of figuring things out before receiving clarity in her 40s about reaching love consciousness.

Reprogramming your spirit, mind, and body to achieve freedom is also the path to reaching love consciousness, but it is a unique journey. You must forgive yourself and others and look inside to make critical changes that improve your well-being. But you still may be wondering, what is love consciousness vs war consciousness?

What Is Love Consciousness?

Love consciousness is a state of being in which we are happy, communicating well, and in a good place. It is the idea that everyone and everything works together and that to be successful, people must realize they are vital to the world, imperfect beings, valuable, and reframe their doubtful thinking.

Each person has a higher self they can connect with to live better and reach their full potential, where they serve as a guide throughout decision-making and life.

Each person comes together to form a whole or a collective rather than being disconnected individuals. Love consciousness vs. war consciousness differs because love is our primary state of being, whereas war is a lower level of consciousness. The power of our brain can expand through separating from negativity and a place of disconnect and making better life choices. 

Trying new things may be daunting, but they are necessary to move toward love consciousness. Remaining stagnant and isolated from others makes it difficult to shift between states, but every individual's journey is different. No one truly knows how to do everything right, and many people are in a similar position as you. 

What Is War Consciousness?

War consciousness is a state of being where we are most of the time, where we experience a divide between ourselves and others. Negative thoughts or internalizing negativity leads many people to struggle with confidence, mental health issues, and overcoming roadblocks. Achieving freedom within one's spirit involves deconstructing what we have learned for years, even since childhood.

Exiting from war consciousness begins with changing one's thoughts deliberately over time to serve them better. Since it is the primary state the world is in, it is such as important thing to shift away from and into love consciousness. 

Everyone striving for love consciousness can partake in the following steps:

  • Caring for one another.

  • Avoiding corruption and greed.

  • Refraining from negative social constructs that harm the world.

We hope you have learned about love consciousness vs. war consciousness from Dr. Teri Baydar and Coach Elix. Interested in working with Coach Elix or becoming a guest on Get a G.R.I.P.? Schedule an appointment to learn more at:

Connecting with Dr. Teri Baydar:

Dr. Teri Baydar's Website





The G.R.I.P. Method

G.R.I.P. stands for “Greatness Requires Intention & Purpose,” and many who have followed this method can attest to that. This strategy helps people find their goals, inspirations, and visions and execute them with clear intentions through planning, purpose, and integrity. It works with science and psychology to make dreams a reality.

It is a roadmap that guides you through struggles and hardships, with the final destination being the life you want to lead or the changes you wish to make. The G.R.I.P. Method offers a plan to go from fear to freedom and helps you break away from where past attempts did not work.


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